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You Serve Yourself, Others, the World, and the Spirit World when you Serve Love and Truth.

Welcome to Love Economy Press.  We are an organization dedicated to sharing Love and Truth through creative publishing, media, contemplation, and outreach.  We’re starting small, but we have big ideas!

Our Organization Grew Out of Conversations

Founded by Rita Roberts and Scott Schumacher, Love Economy Press is a result of their ongoing “Cosmic Dialog” that began in December of 2017.  Through their own growth through experiments and following where they had been guided (even rejected), they are acting as the hands and feet for the new Love Economy.

A Small Startup with Big Ideas

We crowdsourced startup funds using the ebook of Rita Roberts’ book, What it Means to serve, so that we could bring the publication to print.

While our original goal was to start a non-profit, we have decided at this time that we should be structured as a joint venture between Circular Soul Studios and Holistic Geek LLC.

Book Publishing and Promotion

What it Means to Serve is our flagship publication, as well as a template for the Love Economy.  We continue to promote, market, and bring the book to print in various markets and settings.  Our efforts are grassroots and all-volunteer.

Creative Incubation

During our startup growth period, we continue to use our time, talent, and creativity to build our library of works.  This body of creative work will be used to promote the Love Economy and the serving of Love and Truth.

One-third Principle

While in our small startup phase, sales and revenue will be distributed in thirds.
1/3 – Creative Incubation of new titles/books.
1/3 – Marketing and Promotion.
1/3 – Promoting the Love Economy – Printing, Publishing, and Outreach.

Our Mission

To contribute to the ushering in of the RADICAL REVIVAL of new thoughts and ideas for serving Love and Truth.  We do this through the creation of educational works such as printed and electronic books, artistic media, videos, and other creative resources.


To advance the education and practical application of contemplation, meditation, conversation, art-making, and other activities which engage people and communities toward servant-based leadership and engagement.

We see you.  We know who you are.  There’s no hurry.  We love you.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

We welcome your thoughts of encouragement and support.  Use the form below to get in touch with us!